A Simple Message to Authoritarians of All Stripes

The West has an authoritarian problem right now. Religious right, cancel culture activists and the rest, this is for you

This is a message for all of the authoritarians on both the left and the right, who dream of remaking society by forcing their beliefs on the rest of us. It's not going to happen, and you've lost the plot. Normal people just want to live and let live, to be left alone to live our own lives, and we also want everyone to get along as much as possible. We don't welcome people who seek to shut down people who disagree with them, or shove their beliefs down other people's throats. We won't give an inch to this kind of divisive authoritarianism, whether it is rooted in religion or other utopian beliefs. Normal people are not going to accept authoritarians who've lost the plot, no matter their political affiliations, or what kind of 'ideals' they supposedly hold. We just say no to all of it. That's it.